Hey! I'm Andrew

I'm a UI Engineer / Front-End Designer from Seattle


Programming & Design for Modern Times

Okay, yeah, I'm a designer that 's to code.







Phoenix LiveView

Adobe Creative Cloud

UX Design Process

Lottie Animations

NOLA Live Transit UI Overhaul

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Designed for New Orleanians on the Move

Users hunting for a bus needed an app they could quickly reference from their phones.

Single Page Layout

Designed specifically for every user action to be focused on a single page.

Torsh Design System

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Central Source of Truth

A design system built in Sketch to reduce inconsistencies in a growing design team.

Designed to Scale

Defining the simplest UI 'atoms' saves a headache or two when the need comes to update complex components.


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Powered by the OpenWeather API

This web app pulls real-time weather conditions from OpenWeather. Metric and imperial units are supported.

Dynamic Weather Backgrounds

Full-screen weather backgrounds update as the weather changes.

Forgot Password Redesign

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Redesigned for Clarity

I improved the overall password reset UX that eased the pressure on customer support.

Utilized the Entire UX Process

From early user-flow maps and wireframes to visual design and A/B testing, I covered the whole spectrum with this assignment.

Who Am I

I'm Andrew - Formerly known as the advertising and video guy.

I began my tech career in UX Design and soon realized I loved the code going into designs just as much as the design itself.

Front-End Designer? UX Developer? UI Developer? There are a lot of different titles for what I do. Either way, as long as I'm designing and building UI components and the user experience, laying out some clean front-end architecture, (and even cleaning out all that CSS mucking up the code), I'm in my happy place.

Outside of tech, I'm an avid bass guitarist. I also play regular guitar and a little bit of drums. (I'd play more if my neighbors would let me.)

me in paris

Oh yeah, a peek at my record collection

dookie album coverill-communication album coverlondon-calling album coveru2 album coveroasis album coverweezer album coverSgt. Pepper album coverthe 1975 album coverdookie album coverill-communication album coverlondon-calling album coveru2 album cover

Want to get in touch?

Let's talk!

Andrew Leach © 2023 - Built on GatsbyJS and